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Why Am I Being Brought to This Page?

Our system usually detects suspicious behaviors on the platform and it quickly locks you out to protect other users. Of course, this doesn’t mean that bringing you here categorizes you to be someone with wrong motives. No! It’s simply to bring to your attention that you might be doing something unknowingly that’s against the platform’s terms of service. Below are some of the scenarios that ends you up on this page:

When You Are Not a Resident in Uganda

Since classifieds are intended to connect you to another who’s also using the platform so that you two can discuss business interests you have in common, it’s a good thing for the channel through which you are connecting to be safe. This can help minimize the risk of you ending with the wrong people, which all of us after it happens, won’t want to bear the blame.

Therefore, we have adopted a policy of allowing only those within our area of operation (Uganda) to post their items freely. This doesn’t mean that those outside Uganda can’t post their items. They too can post their items as longs us they have reached us via Support. Our security team of course will use discretion to determine if your items should be published on not.

As we continue to improve on our functionality ( Because we are a helpful work in progress) we’ll notify all of our non-resident users that they can now publish their items freely. That’s why we have still allowed you to create your account with us. We are working on making the platform a global and safe for everyone.

Persistent Violation of Terms of Service

ttunda classifieds is a free platform which is intended to help you find buyers and sellers of used items. It also helps you pass your word to people you would want to hear your message and list goes on. You might want to check our about us page to learn more about our services.

You are however expected to act responsibly and work within the platform’s terms of service. This creates a conducive environment that would make everyone comfortable when using ttunda. So because of your persistent behavior, even after being informed about this by our team – We won’t help it but put you out for a while.

If you feel you have been wrongly treated or miss understood, don’t hesitate to pitch your complaint to our team via our Support. We are all human.

Continuous Complaint from Others

In Uganda here there’s a common proverb in one of the native languages that say’s “All the Ten Can’t Hate One” meaning it’s very hard for the whole community to hate one person or have some bad spat on you all the time. You must be the problem if it happens that way.

So to keep peace on the platform, we will put you out until you sort your affairs. That might be the reason why you’ve not been allowed to fully use the platform.

Fraudulent Behavior

Every good thing will always attract those with wrong motives and that’s what happens if a classifieds is left up to the community’s responsibility. Much us we expect you our users to take full responsibility of what you publish and how you deal with others, we also watch what happens on the platform 24/7.

we have also put in place the report button on each ad people publish on the community. Remember it takes the whole village to raise a boy and in this case the boy is ttunda classifieds. For it to become the platform we all adore and recommend to others, locking fraudulent people out is a must.

Should other’s raise such complaints, and our team indeed find out that it needs authorities to come in, we will definately cooperate to keep our name as well as protect our users. You might want to check out our Privacy Policy page to learn more.

Inconsistent User Account Details

Everyone is free to create an account with ttunda classifieds; it’s also okay for some users to have more than one account. However, If our system detects unusual practices within your accounts, it will automatically lock you out.

This doesn’t mean that you are a wrong person rather it’s intended to alert our team and at the same time bring to your attention what you might be doing wrong. In this case just reach us at support and our team will use it’s discretion on the matter.

Our Team’s Discretion

As a platform our team is always vigilantly monitoring the platform day in, day out. This means that on some rare occasions they might come across users who need to be marked or locked out. This depends on our team’s discretion.

This is done to protect ttunda’s infrastructure as well as our users’ safety.

Precautions like these are needed for a classified to operate well but at times knowing how fraudsters use classifieds could be the best way to protect your self.

If you are a non-Ugandan resident and you want to use ttunda Classifieds feel free to reach us at Support

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